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How to Open a Security Company in Texas

There's a whole lot of procedure to follow when starting a security company in Texas. These involve background checks, licensing, registrations among others.

As someone interested in starting one, it would do well to carefully read through. This may be uncharted territory for persons with no experience.

However, the information included here should help to enlighten you on its demands and requirements.

Types of Security Companies

This should be the first question you ask the moment you decide to start a security company. There are 3 major types of security companies. These include the guard dog service, security guard business as well as armored car services.

Let's explain each of these briefly.

  • Guard Dog Service

This type of security company provides trained K9 dogs for protection of client properties. This is a type of rental service where people can rent dogs to keep their surroundings off-limits. It majorly operates on a night surveillance basis.

  • Security Guard Business

The security guard business model works by providing both armed and unarmed guard services. It doesn't matter whether it's a public or private function. This security company model is up to the task.

Security guard businesses are the most common types of security companies in Texas.

Some security guard businesses incorporate the other two types of security services. That is the guard dog service and armored car services.

  • Armored Car Service

This type of security outfit plays a crucial role in the financial services sector. Armored car services are mainly used in the provision of Automated Teller Machines (ATM) cash replenishment. It is a cash in transit logistic service which provides safe movement of cash from one location to the next. This is among the most complex security company to operate.

Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Security Guards

All security guard businesses operating in Texas either operate one or the other. That is, commissioned or non-commissioned security guards. The difference between the two is simple! A commissioned security guard is allowed to carry arms.

On the other hand, non-commissioned guards aren't authorized to do so. They provide other forms of security services.

Armored car services for example are allowed or authorized to carry arms. This is due to the delicate nature of the job. This is still under the regulation of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Apply for a Security License

The state of Texas requires that all security company operators abide by its rules of doing business. This involves obtaining a license. Such licenses are categorized into classes. There are Class T, Class C, D, and B license categories.

You'll need to find out what applies to your type of security business.

Generally, Class T licenses are issued to security and private investigation contractors. Fleet management or telematics companies must obtain Class T licensing. Class B and D licenses are given to security contractors.

The Texas Department of Public Safety is the body saddled with the regulation of security companies. This includes the issuance of the above licensing needs.

Work Out the Cost of Starting Your Security Outfit

To start a security company in the state of Texas, certain cost implications must be considered. These include the legal angles as well as other costs.

There are running costs as well as equipment costs. Your security company will need a website, advertisement, incorporation fee, and a good rental facility from where to operate.

Others are office furniture and equipment in addition to miscellaneous expenses. All these must be properly worked out to help straighten out the process.

The cost of starting your security company in Texas will depend on the type of company you wish to establish.

  • Licensing Fees

The licensing fees for security companies operating in the state of Texas are categorized according to license class. A class A license includes registration and subscription fees. These add up to $361.00. Class B license includes registration and subscription fees amounting to $412.00.

Class C license is made up of both registration and subscription fees that amount to $556.00. Class D license starts at $412.00. These are only a summary of the costs you will incur.

There are other finer details you'll have to find out during registration.

Have a Plan

Like anywhere else, starting a security company in Texas will require a plan. Your business plan will significantly limit the tendency for haphazardness. A business thrives on stability and this is what your business plan offers.

Before your security company is registered in the state of Texas, a security business plan must be presented. This helps assess the viability of the whole process.

Business Name

Although this may sound obvious, it is one of the main requirements for doing business in Texas. Your business name will be needed during the registration process.

To check for name availability, a business name check will need to be done.

Industry Experience

You must have had previous knowledge of this industry before choosing to float a business. This is necessary because clients will be much interested in your experience. Anything short of that will hinder your ability to launch your security business.

More important is the verification of experience requirement by the Texas Private Security Board


Training is of the essence and a requirement for starting a security company in Texas. There are multiple types of training. The different training regulations target specific candidates. Enough of the types of training already.

What are these training courses like and how qualifies? They include the level II, level III, and level IV training.

Let's briefly discuss each of them.

  • Level II Training

This is a requirement for all non-commissioned security guards. Only licensed level III or IV training schools and instructors are authorized to train.

  • Level III Training Program

Commissioned security officers under this training program must undergo at least 45 hours of training. It involves the use of firearms and must only be taught by licensed level III training schools and instructors.

  • Level IV Training

Level IV training program involves a 15-hour minimum lecture period. Only licensed level IV schools and instructors are authorized to train guards.

These are the steps you need to know when starting a security company in Texas. All the above requirements will need to be satisfied with the letter to be able to commence operations.


How to Open a Security Company in Texas
