Contest Offers Readers Chance to Win New Fine art

ORANGE, CA — 15 Dec, 2003 —
Walter Scott Kurtz is oblation fans of PvP a chance to assist him cultivation the cover of PvP #7 by submitting blurbs for the supply's compensate, illustrated away Fantastic Four creative person Mike Wieringo.

The cover is a riff along longtime EC horror comics like Tales From the Crypt and Overleap of Horror, and no parody of those '50s classics would be complete without a trio of hilarious cover blurbs in the old EC style.

Readers can submit cover blurbs for PvP #7 through Kurtz's Website, If their blurb is selected and used, they win:

    [Li] A credit in the book
    [Li] A transcript of the issue signed by Kurtz and Wieringo
    [atomic number 3] The original art from one of the strips in the issue

image"I bid I could take credit for the idea but it was each Mike Wieringo," said Kurtz. "He was familiar with the storyline and knew that a thumb happening the old EC Repugnance comics would be unadulterated.

"I met Mike at a convention a couple of years ago and I was blown forth to discover he reads PvP on a daily basis," he added. "This issue spotlights my only when female character reference and I wished-for her to get the royal handling on the cover. Mike's artistry can undergo a cartoony edge that fits PvP and he rattling played that up for me. Microphone manages to draw truly beautiful women without making them anatomical impossibilities, and I roll in the hay that nearly his exploit."

"I take myself very lucky to receive 'stumbled' onto PvP connected the Web," said Wieringo. "Sir Walter Scott's Vane strip has given ME hours of use and laughs over the past couple of long time since. And I've also had the great fortune to meet Scott and become friends with him. He's a really mega-talented, enthusiastic, humorous fella, and I'm excited to acknowledge him. He's got a passion for his sour and a love of comics and comic strips that's just infectious – and evident to anyone who reads his wreak.

"Having watched his little conglomerate grow ended the time I've better-known him (and OF him), and seen the great folks who let added their takes connected his wonderful characters by way of covers or guest strips – I was overjoyed that he would ask Maine to contribute a underwrite for his comic book. Scott's inclined of expression that the antithetical milestones in his career makes him feel as though he has 'arrived' – swell, acquiring to draw the PvP gang for Robert Scott makes ME feel that same way."

PvP follows the staff of Player Versus Role player Magazine publisher on their day-after-day routine of covering the world of pop culture. Launched as an Image title in March, Kurtz's PvP originally debuted every bit a Web disinvest in 1998, ahead being published in comic book format by Dork Storm Press in 2001. A trade paperback collection of Kurtz's Dork Storm Press work, PvP, Vol. 1: The Jerk Ages will be acquirable in March, 2004, and a collection of the starting time two sold-out Image issues, PvP: Action replay, is on sale now.

PvP #7 is available for order in the February takings of Previews and ship in April, 2004.